Matematika merupakan salah satu ilmu dasar yang wajib dikuasai oleh mahasiswa teknik. Walaupun banyak mahasiswa teknik yang kurang memahami konsep matematika, tetapi ilmu ini banyak digunakan di penerapan bidang keteknikan dalam rangka memecahkan suatu persoalan. Matematika juga menjadi salah satu "bahasa" ilmu pengetahuan dalam berkomunikasi dengan persoalan-persoalan dunia nyata. Buku ini mer…
Nursing documentation is a standard of professional performance whose main objective is to improve nursing care related to quality assurance, research, ethics, and nursing performance. Each activity should be documented properly as authentic and crucial evidence. Nursing documentation has several functions, such as proof of the quality of nursing care, ethical and legal accountability aspects, …
Health promotion is often interpreted as marketing, selling health programs, this is because of the word promotion, but in reality, health promotion is not that simple because health promotion is related to health education, behavior change and health promotion. This textbook is expected to help students get information about health promotion programs. This is also intended to equip vocational…