Pathophysiology is the study of functional disorders in diseased organisms, including the origin of disease, the course of disease, and its effects. Disease is an abnormal condition that causes the loss of normal healthy conditions. This course discusses the mechanisms of cell adaptation, the balance and processes of changes in fluid, electrolyte and acid-base balance, immune processes, degenerative processes, trauma, inflammatory processes, infectious processes, malignancy processes, shock processes, and genetic disorders and their interactions.
This book are indispensable for nursing students who will provide nursing care to patients. With an understanding of pathophysiology, a nurse can account for every independent nursing intervention carried out empirically and rationally. Because by using the basis of pathophysiology, nursing care ranging from nursing action plans to evaluation of nursing actions provided to patients becomes rational so that optimal success. If lacking in understanding pathophysiology, a nurse will have difficulty in making nursing care plans, understanding diagnostic tests, treatment of acute and chronic diseases, and disease prevention for patients and their families. Nurses who are able to recognise the pathophysiological signs and symptoms of their patients’ conditions will be able to provide better quality follow-up care.
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