Bagaimana cara berbicara yang baik? Sebuah ucapan yang bisa disebut baik adalah yang bisa menggetarkan hati. Ucapan seorang juara memiliki daya tarik tersendiri. Ucapan pemandu acara memiliki kemampuan untuk menghidupkan suasana. Orang yang berbicara dengan mahir akanmenjadi lebih maju daripada yang lainnya. Untuk mencapai tujuan komuniaksi, persuasi, dan negosiasi, Anda harus mengetahui metode…
This textbook was developed to provide guidance for nursing students in the international class of vocational bachelor study programs. This textbook is arranged based on the curriculum for nursing. This textbook is expected to help students get information about patient safety and work safety in nursing. This is also intended to equip vocational bachelor students of the international class w…
"Anak Anda memiliki autisme" empat kata yang membuat orang tua merasa tidak berdaya, kewalahan dan bingung. Namun, dengan buku ini orangtua akan mendapatkan kemabalinkendali atas situasi yang dihadapinya dan dapat mengambil langkah-langkah praktis pertama menuju kehidupan yang tenang serta bahagia dengan anak mereka yang baru didiagnosis mengidap autisme
Tuhan Yang Maha Esa menciptakan setiap anak manusia sama derajatnya dan masing-masing memiliki keistimewaan sendiri-sendiri. Untuk anda dengan anak berkebutuhan khusus, buku ini memberikan berbagai informasi penting yang wajib anda ketahui. Memahaminya akan membantu anda menyukseskan perkembangan pendidikan mereka. Buku ini akan menginspirasi seluruh orangtua di tanah air untuk menyiapkan anak …
As a psychological creature, every human being has unique personality and has a personality structure consisting of id, ego, and super ego is equipped with intellect and intelligence, so that it can always be a person develop. Every human being also has psychological needs such as being spared psychological tension, need for intimacy and love, altruistic satisfaction (satisfaction to help other…
Nursing can be described as both an art and a science; a heart and a mind. At its heart, lies a fundamental respect for human dignity and an intuition for a patient’s needs. This is supported by the mind, in the form of rigorous core learning. Due to the vast range of specialisms and complex skills in the nursing profession, each nurse will have specific strengths, passions, and expertise. As…
Nursing documentation is a standard of professional performance whose main objective is to improve nursing care related to quality assurance, research, ethics, and nursing performance. Each activity should be documented properly as authentic and crucial evidence. Nursing documentation has several functions, such as proof of the quality of nursing care, ethical and legal accountability aspects, …
Leadership is the process of valuing others to understand and agree on what needs to be done and how it can be done effectively, and the process of facilitating individual or group (collective) efforts to major goals. Leadership is an art and a process to influence and direct others so that they have the motivation to achieve goals in certain situations (Marquis Bessie L & Huston Carol J, 2017)…
Professional nurses are required to be able to provide quality nursing care to patients based on the legal aspects of nursing and follow the ethical code of the nursing profession. Nurses’ understanding of laws and regulations is expected to stimulate new ways of thinking critically about policies and legal aspects of professional nursing practice. Applying this regulation aims to protect pat…
This teaching material is part of the basic nursing which will be your basis for applying nursing care, because communication skills will be used at every nursing stage. This teaching material is also an important part to underlie the professional attitude of nurses in carrying out nursing duties. All nursing activities always use communication. In this teaching material you will study the theo…
Nursing Methodology teaching materials are a part of the Basic Nursing course. This course has relevance in allowing you to apply nursing care later because studying this will help you carry out the stages of the nursing process with various existing conditions. In the previous teaching materials, you have studied the concept of nursing practice in the Basic Concepts of Nursing course; of cours…
Health promotion is often interpreted as marketing, selling health programs, this is because of the word promotion, but in reality, health promotion is not that simple because health promotion is related to health education, behavior change and health promotion. This textbook is expected to help students get information about health promotion programs. This is also intended to equip vocational…
This teaching materials summarizes learning material on the application of physics in nursing, basic principles of biology in nursing, basics of anatomy and physiology of the human body, tissues and systems of the human body, metabolism and temperature regulation, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic and immune system, digestive system, endocrine system, urinary system, respirat…