This Diet and Nutrition for Nursing Students textbook aims at helping students comprehend the topics they must study in diet and nutrition courses. This book includes comprehensive details regarding the facts that will be learned from numerous dependable sources that are helpful as supplementary context for the chapters being studied. The writing, material selection, questions, and other assist…
Health promotion is often interpreted as marketing, selling health programs, this is because of the word promotion, but in reality, health promotion is not that simple because health promotion is related to health education, behavior change and health promotion. This textbook is expected to help students get information about health promotion programs. This is also intended to equip vocational…
This textbook will discuss bio-psychology, sensori-motor processes, thinking and problem-solving processes, behavior, attitudes and human personality, perception and motivation, and the formation of a nurse’s attitude. This course is the basis for a nurse in carrying out nursing care. The benefits obtained are both for the personal nurse and in the context of meeting patient needs. The benefi…
The term “health information system” (HIS) describes a system created to handle medical or nursing data. This comprises the operational management of a hospital, systems that support healthcare policy choices, and systems that gather, store, maintain, and send an electronic medical record (EMR) for a patient. Systems that manage data on the operations of healthcare organizations and prov…
Ilmu pangan merupakan disiplin ilmu yang unik dibandingkan disiplin ilmu lain karena bidang ini sarat dengan orientasi komersial. ilmu pangan merupakan kekuatan teknis industri pangan, tempat sebagian besar insinyur pangan bekerja. meskipun para akademisi pangan mengakui pentingnya aspek komersial dalam bidang ini, mereka juga memiliki komitmen untuk menjadi sumber pengetahuan yang tidak bias b…
Menyusun dan menilai hidangan merupakan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dasar yang diperlukan oleh semua orang, terutama mereka yang bertanggung jawab atas pengurusan dan penyediaan makanan, baik bagi keluarga maupun bagi berbagai institusi seperti asrama, wisma, dan sebagainya yang harus menyediakan makanan bagi sejumlah atau sekelompok orang. tentu cara seorang awam menilai dan menyusun hidangan…